Final Release Week 2

  • New cloud platform was created to break up the the repetitive nature of the tree platform we had before. It also allows us to help us to diversify our level design in how the area looks.
  • A ox NPC was created to help divertive the world and break up the wolf NPC's we are using now.
  • A tower module was made for the final level that the players play before the boss battle. The player is traversing the outside of the tower to climb to the top of the tower to get to the boss battle with he Storyboar.
  • Updates to the partials of our death to help with visual astatic of the game.
  • Sign post modules were created to help indicated to the player where and what they should do to continue if they are stuck on a level.
  • Returning the functionality of the main movement abilities being upgraded when the player finishes the set of levels dedicated to that ability.
  • Creating a shop that allows the player to spend the ink bottles collected within the levels to buy smaller upgrades to player speed and jump height. 
  • Further work on improving the boss fight to try get it to a better stage of polish that meets the standers we have.
  • Collecting all of the sound effects that will be used within the game and having added them into the project but not all functional yet.
  • Returning functionality to the breakable wall game object.

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