Beta Week 2 & 3

  • Implementations of the white-box of the final level. All mechanics are in and functioning while many art assets need implementation and improving.
  • A module for a collectable ink bottle has been created and implemented. With most of the functionality being created. With it being able to be collected by the player and increasing the amount that the players has collected up until this point.
  • A shop that use can purchase small upgrades using the ink bottles collected has started but not much functionality has been created yet.
  • A sketch of how our final boss the Storyboar will look. Started creation on the module that will be used in the boss fight.
  • Designed out the mechanics of the Storyboar boss battle. The boss fight will have three rounds that each round will have slight changes in the environment that changes up how the boss fight will work. The Storyboar will chase the player until he is tired and then stop. While in this tired state he can be pushed by the player. By either hitting into him while moving fast or trying to launch him away with the bomb fired out for the rocket jump.
  • Started the creation of our wolf NPC modules. They are right now made of more simple shapes that need refinement and are not in the correct colour pallet. 
  • The implementation of the 2 remaining Dash levels. While testing the players mastery with he Dash movement ability it also introduces moving walls that kill the player on hit.

Get Without A Trace