Final Release Week 1

  • Update to the Storyboar animations. Their has been a new attack animation created to help fit how the attack is programmed.
  • A wall with spikes protruding from it has been created to help indicate the different types of walls and the walls that kill the player.
  • A paint brush asset was created. This is to indicate our end goal that the players are trying to reach in every level.
  • The start on the creations of a metal wall texture for the walls that are able to be wall ran a crossed by players.
  • Returning the functionality of the setting menu. Adding a new setting which allows players to play on controller or mouse and.
  • Returning the functionality of the Storyboar boss battle.
  • Fixing the issues with FMOD and GitHub. Updating the git. Ignore to fix these issues.
  • Fixed a bug where the dialog would start playing if a bomb was launched at an NPC.
  • Working on if dialog is playing the player can press left mouse button to skip to the end of the dialog so they do not have to wait to read the dialog as it is playing.
  • Implemented changes to the third Grapple level's ending. With adding a new glass wall to allow the player to be able to see what they have to next and lessen the felling of surprising the player on what they have to do.
  • Remaking the the first Dash level as it was confusing and not intuitive for players.  The new dash level lets the player learn the basics of being able to dash on the ground and in the air. Also teaching the player that they can change the direction they are moving by using the Dash. The level also has a skip for the player who want to get the fastest times to get S-ranks on levels.
  •  Continuing with using the assets obtained in the unity asset store to help populate the levels and unflatten our tree platforms that are found in the rest of the levels. 
  • Resizing the tree platforms to be smaller to help increase the feeling of speed the player has and to help with some levels feeling slightly to long compared to others.

Get Without A Trace