Beta Week 4 & 5 Beta Deadline

  • After making a list of 3D environmental asset packs we can use in our game we have started going back through the Rocket Jump levels and adding in the assets. Both as props in the level but also change the texture on them and using them to unflatten our platforms to help give the feeling of being up on top of these cartoon trees.
  • Dialog system has been created and has been added to the NPC to help instruct the players on how to play and where to go within the tutorial and hub world of the game.
  • Two new stone and wooden textures were created for platforms and walls to help make them fit better in the world.
  • A functional settings menu that lets you rebind curtain keys and lets you change the sensitivity of the mouse.
  • The Storyboar module is finished and implemented into the game. Animations of walking, attacking, getting hit and recovering were created and implemented.
  • The boss battle is mechanically functioning and as a boss area level has been created.
  • Upon completing the set of levels dedicated to one of the movement abilities that ability gains an upgrade that upgrades it. The Grapple has increase in range, the Rocket Jump has an increase in the knockback it provides to the player and the Dash has a shortened cooldown.
  • We hope by adding in more assets/props to the level it will help the player feel like they are running fast and moving quickly within our levels.
  • A wall that the players can break by either running into it or launching a bomb at it has been made and implemented.
  • FMOD was put into the game to help will all of our sound effects that we are using and to help improve what we can make have sound effects.

Unfortunately their was complications with github and FMOD that has caused us to loose much of this work just before the beta deadline.  With only the environmental changes to the levels, some of the scripts made , the two newly added textures, the Storyboar modules and animations and the dialog system wear not lost to this technical issue. We had to quickly remake all the dialog and fix new game breaking bugs because of these issues just before the beta deadline. Sadly almost all of the features that were lost were not able to be added for the beta.

Get Without A Trace